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Fluid Geometric Design in Mumbai: Auriga Restaurant and Nightclub

Turning an old factory warehouse into a restaurant and nightclub was a challenge for Sanjay Puri Architects. Auriga Restaurant and Nightclub adorns the streets of Mumbai, India in a successful effort of proving that sculptural design can help re-imagine unused buildings.
Stripping off external walls in order to expose the interiors to natural light, architects imagined a “web of aluminum fins that are folded in angular planes”  dressing up the exterior. The first floor shelters the nightclub opening into an outdoor patio, while the restaurant occupies the upper floor from where there is a better view of the surrounding vegetation.
Abstract elements shape the walls, columns, ceiling, kitchen counter and bar, while dark grey granite floors compose a visual connection within the space. The restaurant is dominated by the use if wood, while the nightclub flaunts steel elements. Contrasting in terms of materials but closely tied together by design, the Auriga Restaurant and Nightclub plays with our perception of space and tickles our creativity. 
Quote: Love, like a chicken salad or restaurant hash, must be taken with blind faith or it loses its flavor. - H.Rowland

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