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From UK to South Africa: Holiday Home for a Well-Traveled Couple

We’ve seen our fair share of stunning properties designed by the illustrious SAOTA – Stefan Antoni Olmesdahl Truen Architects and each customized home spoke about the client’s needs and wishes. This particular holiday home – Cove 6 – carries on our fascination with the studio’s work in collaboration with Antoni Associates by boasting a design inspired by indigenous fynbos surroundings. Located on a cliff’s edge in “The Cove” estate near a town in the Western Cape Province of South Africa known as Knysna, this luxurious property is characterized by a modern combination of materials that sum up to a dream holiday home.

The Cape Town-based studio designed this airy and beautifully proportioned dream holiday home for a well-traveled couple who live in the UK. Taking advantage of the stunning cliff views and complementing the natural color palette and texture provided by the site, architects created a cozy, natural atmosphere. They anchored the sculptural summer holiday retreat to the site by using heavy stone clad walls and built a contemporary home complete with elevated timber decks and a swimming pool cantilevering over the fynbos landscape, rocks and water below. An uncluttered holiday retreat like this one allows the landscape and breeze to flow right through it and impregnate a sense of calmness in every space.

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